Tell us about yourself?
Born in France I was raised by my parents in the beautiful city of Lyon. I never really understood until my late 20s, how much yoga and a holistic lifestyle meant until I started to practice and became a yoga teacher as well. It is a great and fulfilling feeling to embrace and share that philosophy with others. Yoga Heals the soul!
How did you first get into yoga?

I was surrounded by yoga spirits all my childhood as my Mom was a yoga teacher, NLP therapist and became a buddhist monk at one point. You could say spirituality was very much part of my surrounding and it runs in the family.
How long have you been practicing yoga?
I started back in Lam, trying to reconnect with my roots being away overseas away from my homeland. I had a very particular relationship with yoga. It was on and off for many year but it always felt as if it was calling me. It then become obvious to me during at a very hard time in my life that I had to become a teacher and give back to universe. Since then it has been a part of my daily routine. Now I’m a big believer of the force of the universe, the law of attraction. I’m a fan of the world of MR Masaru Emoto, Bruce Lipton, Joe Dispenza, Elkhart Tollé and love Deepak Chopra and Sadhguru!!!! I breathe their teachings!
Why do you think yoga is so popular?
More and more people need to be feel connected. I believe that everyone is looking for different kinds of things from yoga. Some don’t want the spiritual part of it, and use it for a way to stretch and to be more flexible. Some others are deeply connected with their practice as they feel it is part of who they are.

With so many different types of yoga, where should a beginner start?
Yoga is very popular and there are so many different types of yoga because of the large demand. But I will say Hatha yoga is a very nice way to start your journey in yoga. To me it is important to be well guided, especially at the beginning… being with a teacher who will pay attention to your posture and form. I personally don’t like the mass classes because I need to feel connected with my students and make sure I am supporting them.
What kind of equipment do I need?
You need a good mat! For me the mat's grip is very important as you need to feel comfortable and secure. You will also need a nice cork block. I love those because they are very stable.

What does Madana mean?
Madana means the God of Love, Passion, Love… Embracing!
What products do you offer and where can they be found?
Madana offers very high, quality yoga props. In fact, our jute mat is perfect for indoor or outdoor practice and makes the prefect friend to practice every day. I love the grip of that mat and use it everyday. Did I also mention that our mats are treated chemical free and is 100% biodegradable?
What is Madana's main goal?
Madana's goal is to be well know in Singapore as the brand was born and raised in here. We would like to keep producing high quality, excellent yoga props and eventually extend our product line.